Our Services
We offer a multitude of services from miner and hashboard cleaning to repair, as well as modification. We offer a free client consult to find out exactly what you’re looking for in a repair service and are able to accommodate most client needs.
Ship us your parts
Ship your broken or dirty miners to our repair facility.
Clean + Diagnose
We will clean your miner, inside and out as well as diagnose potential issues with it.
Equipment consolidation
We are able to consolidate compatible miners for quicker throughput.
We can repair any broken hashboards, controller boards, power supplies, and replace any cables/fans.
Burn in + testing
To ensure a quality repair we run each repaired miner for at least a 24-hour (burn in) test cycle.
Parts shipped back to you
When the miner or components are adequately repaired, they will be shipped back to your mining facility.
- Clean Boards/Chassis
- Diagnose Problems
- Repair
- Test and Ship Back
- Remove Hashboards
- Clean Boards/Chassis
- Energize Machine
- Diagnose Possible Faults
- Remove Broken Boards
- Clean Boards/Chassis
- Combine Good Chassis/Boards
- Energize/Test Machine
- Energize/Diagnose Machine
- Remove Broken Hashboards
- Clean/Repair Components
- Reassemble and Test
Models We Support
Bitmain- Antminer S9
Bitmain- Antminer T17/T17+
Bitmain- Antminer S17/S17+
Bitmain- Antminer S19 (All Models)
What we do
Clean + Diagnose
Starting at $100
Clean + Diagnose
Starting at $100
We start with carefully disassembling your ASIC miner to clean any dirt or debris from the chassis. Next, we clean the hashboards in ultrasonic cleaners filled with a solution designed for PCB’s. After this we can test power supply’s, control boards and hashboards to determine if they are functional.
- Clean + Diagnose$100
- Consolidate$150
- Repair (1 Hashboard)$300
Starting at $150
Starting at $150
If more than one of your miner’s is sent to us and they are compatible with each other, we will consolidate said miners to create a fully functional unit. This increases throughput and gets your miner back to you quick, for more mining!
Starting at $300
Starting at $300
We can diagnose and repair broken or non-functioning hashboards, power supplies, and memory controllers. We have Bitmain certified chip technicians that can replace ASIC chips to make a broken board usable again. We also offer the installation of monolithic heatsinks on some hashboard models for greater stability.
Burn In / Test
Ensuring Lasting Stability
Burn In / Test
Ensuring Lasting Stability
We require each repaired unit to be tested or “burned in” for at least 24 hours to ensure that it will not fail when sent back to you.
How Fast Will My Machine Be Repaired?
The speed at which your miner is repaired depends on few different factors such as current shop workload, backlog queue’s, complexity of repair, and whether consolidation is possible. Regardless of these factors though, we try not to hold a machine for longer than 30 days.
Is there a warranty for work done?
Yes, we do include a 14 day warranty for all cleaning, consolidation, and repair work completed.
Is my machine guaranteed to be fixable?
In short, no, not always. We do our best to exhaust as many options as possible while repairing machines, but unfortunately, the hard truth is that some machines are beyond repair, and we are not a rework centre.
Is there a discount if I supply a bulk repair order?
Yes, we are open to negotiating price discounts if the order for repair is large enough.
Ready to get started?
Do you have a miner or hashboards that aren’t currently functional? Reach out to us for a free consult and see if our services are right for you!
Bitmain Certified
Fast Shipping